The list below shows how many ASNs are assigned to each region. Click on the region links to see more details about the specific ASNs and IP addresses that belong to each region.

AS Numbers: 15 | Build: 2024-07-26
ASN Name IPv4 Num IPs IPv6 Num IPs(/64)
AS8781 QA-ISP - Ooredoo Q.S.C., QA 684,544 34,359,803,904
AS28821 UDST-QATAR - University of Doha for Science and Technology, QA 1,024 131,072
AS29384 Qatar-Foundation - Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, QA 135,168 12,885,032,960
AS34945 QF-HBKU-ASN - Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, QA 1,024 0
AS42298 GCC-MPLS-peering - Ooredoo Q.S.C., QA 175,872 4,404,281,344
AS42415 AL-JAZEERA - Aljazeera Media Network Corporation, QA 256 0
AS47901 Meeza - MEEZA QSTP-LLC, QA 2,048 0
AS48728 vodafoneqatar - Vodafone Qatar P.Q.S.C, QA 23,552 34,359,738,368
AS60185 QP-ICT - QatarEnergy, QA 1,024 4,294,967,296
AS198499 QUNIV - Qatar University, QA 8,960 4,294,967,296
AS204806 MOI-Telecommunications - Telecommunications Department, QA 1,024 0
AS208506 Sidra_Medicine - Sidra Medicine, QA 1,024 0
AS208542 MANNAI-TRADING-CO-25730 - Mannai Trading Company LLC, QA 256 0
AS208944 KM - Qatar General Electricty and Water Corporation, QA 1,024 34,359,738,368
AS211559 vodafoneqa-ISP - Vodafone Qatar P.Q.S.C, QA 11,520 0
IPv4: 1048320 | IPv6: 128958660608