The list below shows how many ASNs are assigned to each region. Click on the region links to see more details about the specific ASNs and IP addresses that belong to each region.

AS Numbers: 10 | Build: 2024-07-26
ASN Name IPv4 Num IPs IPv6 Num IPs(/64)
AS8346 SONATEL - SONATEL-AS Autonomous System, SN 358,912 4,294,967,296
AS37196 SUDATEL-SENEGAL - Sudatel Senegal, SN 17,152 0
AS37288 WACREN - West and Central African Research Network, SN 1,024 65,536
AS37649 Tigo - SAGA AFRICA HOLDINGS LIMITED, SN 20,480 4,294,967,296
AS327809 ARC-Informatique - ARC Informatique, SN 5,120 0
AS328148 ADIE-AS - Agence De l'Informatique de l'Etat, SN 2,048 0
AS328259 WAW-SAS - WAW SAS, SN 1,024 0
AS328558 Senelec-AS - Senelec SA, SN 256 0
AS328650 Universite-numerique-Cheikh-Hamidou-KANE-AS - Universite numerique Cheikh Hamidou KANE (UN-CHK), SN 1,024 65,536
AS329161 ATS6-AS - Accel Technologies - Suarl, SN 256 0
IPv4: 407296 | IPv6: 8590065664