The list below shows how many ASNs are assigned to each region. Click on the region links to see more details about the specific ASNs and IP addresses that belong to each region.

AS Numbers: 5 | Build: 2025-01-22
ASN Name IPv4 Num IPs IPv6 Num IPs(/64)
AS25695 LEO - Leo (PTY) LTD, LS 4,096 0
AS33567 TELECOM-LESOTHO - Econet Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD, LS 51,456 0
AS37057 VODACOM-LESOTHO - Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd, LS 61,952 4,294,967,296
AS37642 Comnet-Lesotho-AS - Comnet Pty Ltd, LS 1,024 4,294,967,296
AS328567 LEC-Communications - LEC Communications (Pty) Ltd, LS 1,024 0
IPv4: 119552 | IPv6: 8589934592