AS Number
AS Name
Org Name
IPng Networks GmbH
Country / Region





AS50869 Looking Glass






IPv6 NUMs(/64)


256 IPv4 Addresses
CIDR Description IP Num
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
Pim van Pelt 256
CIDR Description IP NUMs(prefix /64)
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
Pim van Pelt 16777216
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
Pim van Pelt 65536
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
Pim van Pelt 65536
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
Pim van Pelt 65536
AS Description Country / Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS5405 INTERDOTLINK - GmbH, DE Germany 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24482 SGGS-AS-AP - SG.GS, SG Singapore 20,992 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS14840 BR.Digital Provider, BR Brazil 66,560 14,009,892,864 IPv6 IPv6
AS6939 HURRICANE - Hurricane Electric LLC, US United States 517,888 282,631,665,614,848 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8298 IPNG - IPng Networks GmbH, CH Switzerland 512 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4
AS9009 M247 - M247 Europe SRL, RO Romania 1,331,712 262,075,646,208 IPv4 IPv4
AS25091 IP-MAX - IP-Max SA, CH Switzerland 15,360 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41327 FIBERTELECOM-AS - Fiber Telecom S.p.A., IT Italy 7,424 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS137409 GSLNETWORKS-AS-AP - GSL Networks Pty LTD, AU Australia 69,376 141,791,002,624 IPv6 IPv6
AS6204 ZET-NET - INTERKVM HOST SRL, RO Romania 512 268,435,456 IPv4 IPv4
AS35360 GARGUNET - Frederic Gargula, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50877 AIRBEAM-AS - Airbeam S.r.l., IT Italy 6,144 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57463 NetIX - NetIX Communications JSC, BG Bulgaria 0 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS32437 edgeconnect-legacy - Webdev CC T/A Cybertek, ZA South Africa 6,144 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS34019 HIVANE - Hivane Association, FR France 2,816 1,245,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39351 ESAB-AS - 31173 Services AB, SE Sweden 9,728 4,297,129,984 IPv4 IPv4
AS Description Country / Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS210562 WURZELLOS - WURZELLOS LLC, US United States 0 16,908,288 IPv6 IPv6
AS215828 TMW-Global-Networks - Tizian Maxime Weigt trading as "TMW Global Networks", DE Germany 512 4,564,189,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205848 Dominik-Pohl - Dominik Pohl, DE Germany 768 262,144 IPv6 IPv6
AS213543 JONES-LAB - Alexander Jones, GB United Kingdom 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS216242 JUTLEY-AS - Jeremy Utley, US United States 0 16,777,216 IPv6 IPv6
AS47689 Pudu - Pudu, LLC, US United States 1,024 34,376,843,264 IPv4 IPv4
AS204508 MLGT - Gatterer Manuel trading as MLGT, IT Italy 0 273,809,408 IPv6 IPv6
AS212635 AS212635 - Jurrian van Iersel, NL Netherlands 1,024 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34927 iFog-GmbH - iFog GmbH, CH Switzerland 5,632 244,449,280 IPv4 IPv4
AS200736 INALAN - MEDIANET INVEST AE, GR Greece 38,656 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS135103 ALEX-NEO-AS-AP - Alex Neo, SG Singapore 0 262,144 IPv6 IPv6
AS213579 Leon-Hubrich - Leon Hubrich, DE Germany 256 16,842,752 IPv6 IPv6
AS212934 Accuris_Technologies - Accuris Technologies Ltd., CA Canada 256 262,144 IPv6 IPv6
AS56883 AIRMASS1-AS - Airmass 1 AB, SE Sweden 256 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS200809 KURAL - QUN LIN, CN China 0 589,824 IPv6 IPv6
AS216305 ORG-CZ25-RIPE - Cong Zhang, CN China 0 196,608 IPv6 IPv6
AS197919 NOAHVDAA-AS - Noah van der Aa, NL Netherlands 0 6,291,456 IPv6 IPv6
AS215956 MYIP-AS - Dennis de Houx trading as All In One, BE Belgium 0 4,521,984 IPv6 IPv6
AS215478 WINGLER-AS - Caden Wingler, US United States 0 131,072 IPv6 IPv6
AS215660 FNL - FOG NETWORKS LTD, GB United Kingdom 0 1,048,576 IPv6 IPv6
AS213929 AS213929ch - Maceo Sahli, CH Switzerland 256 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS209833 Aroga-GmbH - Aroga GmbH, CH Switzerland 0 4,295,163,904 IPv6 IPv6
AS151194 STELIGHT-AS-AP - Zhu Yucheng, CN China 0 720,896 IPv6 IPv6
AS211398 MIKE-AS - Mike Marchal, BE Belgium 0 4,295,163,904 IPv6 IPv6
AS51087 BLING-AS - Bling Network LLC, US United States 256 319,356,928 IPv6 IPv6
AS59678 SYSTEM36 - SYSTEM36 LLC, US United States 1,280 4,313,055,232 IPv6 IPv6
AS205232 EvilNET - Felix Alcantara, US United States 0 52,428,800 IPv6 IPv6
AS13852 KLAB-NETWORKS-LLC - KLAB NETWORKS LLC, US United States 256 7,798,784 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59900 Balkan-Internet-Exchange - Balkan Internet Exchange Ltd, BG Bulgaria 0 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44570 XODO-AS - Cloudie Networks, LLC., US United States 0 27,648,851,968 IPv6 IPv6
AS214344 Hanxun-Xu - Hanxun Xu, AU Australia 0 286,326,784 IPv6 IPv6
AS34182 RACKBLACK - Verein, CH Switzerland 512 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS208171 CSO-SRLS - CSO S.r.l.s., IT Italy 256 196,608 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS200242 de-theirs - Ember Ana Reimer, DE Germany 0 4,296,409,088 IPv6 IPv6
AS213092 marbleis - Marble Information Systems Limited, GB United Kingdom 0 2,228,224 IPv6 IPv6
AS214818 WILL-WILSON - William Wilson, GB United Kingdom 0 458,752 IPv6 IPv6
AS205102 Steven-Honson - Steven Honson, AU Australia 256 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS208814 SCHAEFERS - Tilman Schaefers, DE Germany 256 786,432 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS214930 ALICEWYAN-AS - Alice Wyan Garcia Martin, ES Spain 256 42,008,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS204931 PNOSOLUTIONS-AS - PNO Solutions Limited, GB United Kingdom 0 2,686,976 IPv6 IPv6
AS212746 QDANIEL-AS - Daniel Rieper, DE Germany 0 1,179,648 IPv6 IPv6
AS216375 AS-RHZAHRA - M Alhuda, ID Indonesia 0 589,824 IPv6 IPv6
AS49192 OPENFACTORY-EUROPE - Openfactory Services UG (haftungsbeschraenkt), DE Germany 256 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4
AS51392 FUSIONED - Fusioned Ltd, GB United Kingdom 256 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS134666 HoshiNetwork - Cat Networks K.K., HK Hong Kong 0 1,048,576 IPv6 IPv6
AS203405 DALUN-AS - Lin Kai-Lun, TW Taiwan 0 196,608 IPv6 IPv6
AS209022 Tschajera-Limited - Tschajera Limited, GB United Kingdom 0 269,090,816 IPv6 IPv6
AS213216 LuxChan - LuxChan S.A R.L.-S, LU Luxembourg 256 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS216126 James-Ledger - James Ledger, GB United Kingdom 0 720,896 IPv6 IPv6
AS25091 IP-MAX - IP-Max SA, CH Switzerland 15,360 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4
AS150000 DBS-AS-AP - Data-Beam Business Solution, PH Philippines 1,536 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS212703 BONTEKOE - Wieger Bontekoe, NL Netherlands 256 196,608 IPv6 IPv6
AS214681 NICHOLAS-FICARA - Nicholas Ficara, CA Canada 256 1,114,112 IPv6 IPv6
AS215007 BOZHAN-AS - BOZHAN LIANG, CN China 0 1,179,648 IPv6 IPv6
AS212123 REDPANDA-AS - Jori Vanneste, BE Belgium 1,280 4,295,229,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS202939 CHIMON-NETWORK - Chimon Technology Ltd, GB United Kingdom 0 52,559,872 IPv6 IPv6
AS200179 AGS - Abbas Ghanim Saddam, IQ Iraq 0 16,777,216 IPv6 IPv6
AS207941 PATHY-AS - JITEN PATHY, IN India 0 18,939,904 IPv6 IPv6
AS208768 ConstV6 - Constantine Evans, IE Ireland 0 786,432 IPv6 IPv6
AS60431 PNO-AS - PNO Solutions Limited, GB United Kingdom 0 2,097,152 IPv6 IPv6
AS199591 Evaldo-Gardenal - Evaldo Gardenal, CH Switzerland 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS47778 SUNOAKI-NET-BACKBONE - Sunoaki Network LLC, US United States 0 524,288 IPv6 IPv6
AS57521 SIMPLYSOFT-AS - Simplysoft GmbH, CH Switzerland 256 327,680 IPv6 IPv6
AS199918 WARPNET - Wilton Arthur Poth, DE Germany 256 4,295,032,832 IPv6 IPv6
AS205602 BRINSTAR - Seamus Caveney, US United States 256 131,072 IPv6 IPv6
AS214117 Sidereal - Stuart Williams, CA Canada 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS42 WOODYNET-1 - WoodyNet, Inc., US United States 56,576 13,238,272 IPv4 IPv4
AS214380 TIM427 - Tim de Boer trading as, NL Netherlands 512 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS215842 PAAL - Erwin Paal, NL Netherlands 0 655,360 IPv6 IPv6
AS206125 TIMNET - Nicklas Yli-Lantta, FI Finland 256 589,824 IPv6 IPv6
AS214675 Starlamp - Hidenori Matsuo, JP Japan 0 4,259,840 IPv6 IPv6
AS51574 FASTPATH-TESTNET - FASTPATH IKE, GR Greece 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS202262 lrtechnet - Lucas Ridder trading as LR Techniek, NL Netherlands 0 327,680 IPv6 IPv6
AS8298 IPNG - IPng Networks GmbH, CH Switzerland 512 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4
AS205088 ShellNet - XIAOKANG WANG, IE Ireland 0 196,608 IPv6 IPv6
AS215577 LUC-AS - Lucas van Beek, NL Netherlands 0 1,310,720 IPv6 IPv6
AS216469 PIONEN - Ismail Fayaz trading as PIONEN, MV Maldives 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS207079 HILLER-AS - Adrian Hiller, DE Germany 0 18,874,368 IPv6 IPv6
AS211696 NOISELESS-AS - Jae Lo Presti, FI Finland 0 16,908,288 IPv6 IPv6
AS208453 SWEHOST-NET - Johan Karlsson trading as SweHosting, SE Sweden 1,024 302,383,104 IPv6 IPv6
AS214076 AS-ECKER - Michael Ecker, AT Austria 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS215216 DRUIFJE - Barry Ruetten, NL Netherlands 0 2,162,688 IPv6 IPv6
AS13335 CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US United States 1,784,832 43,955,519,488 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44103 BAKKER-IT-AS - The Mastermind Holding B.V., NL Netherlands 4,608 68,736,319,488 IPv4 IPv4
AS207424 HYNET - Max Ouwens, BE Belgium 0 131,072 IPv6 IPv6
AS212129 CIRRUSLAB - Christophe Gherardi, CH Switzerland 0 196,608 IPv6 IPv6
AS216452 EDVIN-AS - Edvin Basil Samuval, IN India 0 8,454,144 IPv6 IPv6
AS214770 RGN - RGN Holding Ltd., GB United Kingdom 256 2,228,224 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61142 CWEBER - Claudio Michael Weber, DE Germany 0 1,245,184 IPv6 IPv6
AS53727 AS-PENGUIN - Penguin Networks, US United States 256 2,293,760 IPv6 IPv6
AS60326 MrSheepNET-AS - MrSheepNET LTD, GB United Kingdom 256 4,364,435,456 IPv6 IPv6
AS198734 BOJIN-AS - Bojin Li, AU Australia 0 17,039,360 IPv6 IPv6
AS209878 RackFarm, CH Switzerland 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS213768 Breadbyte - Thomas Neumann, DE Germany 0 1,376,256 IPv6 IPv6
AS213880 JORGE-JANAITE-NETO - Jorge Janaite Neto, BR Brazil 0 458,752 IPv6 IPv6
AS35202 OnTheGo - Samuel Aschwanden, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57344 TELEHOUSE-AS - Telehouse EAD, BG Bulgaria 24,320 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS200676 Svens-Jansons - Svens Jansons, LV Latvia 256 589,824 IPv6 IPv6
AS209652 tzepesh - LUNGU Cristian, RO Romania 0 19,070,976 IPv6 IPv6
AS215332 SNIFF122-AS - Lewis Foster, GB United Kingdom 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS216427 Andreas-Duering-AS - Andreas Duering, DE Germany 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS56457 FASTPATH - FASTPATH IKE, GR Greece 768 60,129,542,144 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197434 NAU-AS - Alexander Nau, DE Germany 0 262,144 IPv6 IPv6
AS199471 AS-S5B - Marcel Straub, DE Germany 256 4,295,032,832 IPv6 IPv6
AS200605 Alexander-Samoylyk - Alexander Samoylyk, DE Germany 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS200708 GLASSIO-AS - Hugo Da Costa, GB United Kingdom 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS212895 ROUTE64_ORG - Johannes Ernst, DE Germany 256 17,563,648 IPv6 IPv6
AS213288 iFog-Access-Network - iFog GmbH, CH Switzerland 0 262,144 IPv6 IPv6
AS214522 ARNA13 - Arnau Barbero, ES Spain 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS212855 AS-LUJE - Jelle Luteijn, NL Netherlands 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS53343 SCN - sc Network, US United States 256 106,954,752 IPv6 IPv6
AS216369 jkdev - Jakob Kampichler, AT Austria 0 17,825,792 IPv6 IPv6
AS215011 NXTHDR - Matthieu Gouel, FR France 0 2,359,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS215212 JEURISSEN-AS - Sander Jeurissen, NL Netherlands 0 786,432 IPv6 IPv6
AS213625 CXLNet - Xuluo Chen, CN China 0 2,424,832 IPv6 IPv6
AS401267 VERIRA - VERIRA LLC, US United States 256 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209294 FansNET - Fan Zhang, CN China 256 720,896 IPv6 IPv6
AS215150 MAURIN-AS - Shawn Maurin, PH Philippines 0 16,973,824 IPv6 IPv6
AS47536 PathConnect - Joey Julian Koenig trading as PathConnect GbR, DE Germany 512 262,144 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199177 Ssmidge-1 - Tanyu Trifonov, CA Canada 0 1,179,648 IPv6 IPv6
AS214514 HENRYCLARKE - Henry Clarke, GB United Kingdom 0 1,048,576 IPv6 IPv6
AS200800 ZURGANF-AS - Zurganf Ltd, GB United Kingdom 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS213782 GOFORCEX-AS - Chang Xin, CN China 0 262,144 IPv6 IPv6
AS207439 KORVESNET - Korves.Net USA LLC, US United States 768 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4
AS63286 HOP179 - Hop179 LLC, US United States 256 1,703,936 IPv6 IPv6
AS198660 ARENDTSEN - Martin Arendtsen, DK Denmark 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS199392 NIE-SHIZHENG - SHIZHENG NIE, CN China 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS207445 AS_VAMH - Vincent Maroun, LB Lebanon 0 2,162,688 IPv6 IPv6
AS924 CLOUDIE - Cloudie Networks LLC, US United States 1,280 117,440,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59812 AS-GLUECKLICH - Gluecklich GmbH, CH Switzerland 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS200731 JSN-AS - Jonathan Smith, US United States 0 720,896 IPv6 IPv6
AS200936 GUO-AS - Chengjie Guo, CN China 0 1,638,400 IPv6 IPv6
AS214527 FREDERIC-ARROYO - Frederic Arroyo, CH Switzerland 0 131,072 IPv6 IPv6
AS215364 Infinitron-Internet - Infinitron Internet LLC, US United States 256 17,825,792 IPv6 IPv6
AS216052 CDUBS-NET - Craig Schulz, US United States 0 5,242,880 IPv6 IPv6
AS47272 HYEHOST - HYEHOST LTD, GB United Kingdom 1,792 13,788,905,472 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59645 WYBT-NET - Tobias Fiebig, DE Germany 1,792 68,719,542,272 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6

Peers at this Exchange Point

Country / Region IX IPv4 IPv6 Port Speed Updated
Netherlands Frys-IX - The Frisian Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:10f::c6b5:87 10 Gbps 2024-10-29 15:24:06
Switzerland Free-IX Switzerland 2001:7f8:111:42::c6b5:1 10 Gbps 2024-07-12 22:48:01
Greece Free-IX Greece 2001:7f8:116::c6b5:1 100 Gbps 2024-07-15 16:44:24
Greece NetIX Greece 2001:7f8:148::5:869:1 0 Mbps 2024-12-25 03:34:01
Netherlands Speed-IX - Speed Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:b7::a505:869:1 10 Gbps 2024-10-17 01:38:00
Switzerland FogIXP - Fog Internet Exchange Point 2001:7f8:ca:1:0:5:869:1 10 Gbps 2024-07-13 12:23:42
Switzerland CHIX-CH - CHIXSWITZERLAND 2001:7f8:cc:333::200 10 Gbps 2024-07-13 12:24:41
Netherlands LSIX - LayerSwitch Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:8f::a505:869:1 10 Gbps 2024-10-29 20:08:46
Switzerland - 2001:7f8:bf:1::16 10 Gbps 2024-07-15 09:59:33

Private Peering Facilities

Country / Region Name City Website Updated
Digital Realty Zurich ZUR1 Glattbrugg 2020-08-02 12:01:42
NTT Zurich 1 Data Center (ZRH1) Rümlang 2020-08-02 12:03:10
NIKHEF Amsterdam Amsterdam 2021-04-20 09:21:04
Balkan Gate Thessaloniki 2024-04-27 12:17:39
TI Sparkle Greece (IDC) Metamorfosi 2024-04-27 12:18:10
as-block:       AS50843 - AS50891
descr:          RIPE NCC ASN block
remarks:        These AS Numbers are assigned to network operators in the RIPE NCC service region.
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
created:        2024-08-12T14:10:44Z
last-modified:  2024-08-12T14:10:44Z
source:         RIPE

aut-num:        AS50869
as-name:        FREEIX-REMOTE
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Please see our routing policy in detail here:
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Group 'chix' type 'peer'
remarks:        Session type routeserver AS212100: CHIX-CH Route Servers ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS212100 action pref=200; accept AS-CHIX-RS
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS212100 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS212100 action pref=200; accept AS-CHIX-RS
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS212100 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type peer AS13335: Cloudflare ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS13335 action pref=200; accept AS13335:AS-CLOUDFLARE
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS13335 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS13335 action pref=200; accept AS13335:AS-CLOUDFLARE
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS13335 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type peer AS6939: Hurricane Electric (
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS6939 action pref=200; accept AS-HURRICANEV6
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS6939 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS6939 action pref=200; accept AS-HURRICANEV6
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS6939 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type member AS8298: IPng Networks GmbH (IPng)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS8298 action pref=300; accept AS8298:AS-IPNG
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS8298 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS8298 action pref=300; accept AS8298:AS-IPNG
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS8298 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS35202: OTG ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS35202 action pref=300; accept AS-OTG
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS35202 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS35202 action pref=300; accept AS-OTG
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS35202 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS4601: DaKnObNET (DaKnObNET)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS4601 action pref=300; accept AS4601:AS-DNET
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS4601 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS4601 action pref=300; accept AS4601:AS-DNET
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS4601 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS52025: ParadoxNetworks Limited (PDXNET Limited)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS52025 action pref=300; accept AS52025:AS-ALL
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS52025 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS52025 action pref=300; accept AS52025:AS-ALL
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS52025 announce ANY
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Group 'comix' type 'peer'
remarks:        Session type routeserver AS44596: Route Servers (community-IX Schweiz)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS44596 action pref=200; accept AS-COMIX-RS
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS44596 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS44596 action pref=200; accept AS-COMIX-RS
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS44596 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type peer AS8298: IPng Networks GmbH (IPng)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS8298 action pref=200; accept AS8298:AS-IPNG
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS8298 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS8298 action pref=200; accept AS8298:AS-IPNG
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS8298 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type member AS35202: OTG ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS35202 action pref=300; accept AS-OTG
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS35202 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS35202 action pref=300; accept AS-OTG
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS35202 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS12307: Sandro Bolliger (
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS12307 action pref=300; accept AS-RAVANA
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS12307 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS12307 action pref=300; accept AS-RAVANA
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS12307 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS204082: Philippe Bonvin (Galphanet)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS204082 action pref=300; accept AS-GALPHANET
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS204082 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS204082 action pref=300; accept AS-GALPHANET
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS204082 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS57757: Alopex ()
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS57757 action pref=300; accept AS57757:AS-ALOPEX
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS57757 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS212495: vandium-net (
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS212495 action pref=300; accept AS212495:AS-ALL
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS212495 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS212495 action pref=300; accept AS212495:AS-ALL
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS212495 announce ANY
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Group 'fogixp' type 'peer'
remarks:        Session type routeserver AS47498: FogIXP Route Servers (FogIXP Route Servers)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS47498 action pref=200; accept AS-FOGIXP
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS47498 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS47498 action pref=200; accept AS-FOGIXP
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS47498 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type member AS212635: AS212635 ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS212635 action pref=300; accept AS212635:AS-212635
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS212635 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS212635 action pref=300; accept AS212635:AS-212635
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS212635 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type peer AS52025: ParadoxNetworks Limited (PDXNET Limited)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS52025 action pref=200; accept AS52025:AS-ALL
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS52025 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS52025 action pref=200; accept AS52025:AS-ALL
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS52025 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type member AS47536: PathConnect (PathConnect)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS47536 action pref=300; accept AS47536:AS-PATHCONNECT
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS47536 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS47536 action pref=300; accept AS47536:AS-PATHCONNECT
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS47536 announce ANY
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Group 'freeix_ch' type 'peer'
remarks:        Session type routeserver AS51530: FreeIX: Switzerland Services ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS51530 action pref=200; accept AS-FREE-IX-MEMBERS
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS51530 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS51530 action pref=200; accept AS-FREE-IX-MEMBERS
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS51530 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type member AS8298: IPng Networks GmbH (IPng)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS8298 action pref=300; accept AS8298:AS-IPNG
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS8298 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS8298 action pref=300; accept AS8298:AS-IPNG
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS8298 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS4601: DaKnObNET (DaKnObNET)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS4601 action pref=300; accept AS4601:AS-DNET
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS4601 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS4601 action pref=300; accept AS4601:AS-DNET
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS4601 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS112: DNS-OARC-112 ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS112 action pref=300; accept AS112
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS112 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS112 action pref=300; accept AS112
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS112 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS35360: GarguNet (GarguNet)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS35360 action pref=300; accept AS35360
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS35360 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS35360 action pref=300; accept AS35360
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS35360 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS210036: Rayhaan Networks (RAYHAANNET)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS210036 action pref=300; accept AS-RAYHAANNET
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS210036 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS210036 action pref=300; accept AS-RAYHAANNET
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS210036 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type peer AS25091: IP-Max SA (IP-Max)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS25091 action pref=200; accept AS-IP-MAX-V6
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS25091 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS25091 action pref=200; accept AS-IP-MAX-V6
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS25091 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type member AS209823: Enki Multimedia ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS209823 action pref=300; accept AS-ENKI
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS209823 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS209823 action pref=300; accept AS-ENKI
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS209823 announce ANY
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Group 'freeix_gr' type 'peer'
remarks:        Session type routeserver AS215405: Free-IX Greece: Routeservers (Free-IX Greece: Routeservers)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS215405 action pref=200; accept AS215405:AS-CONNECTED
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS215405 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS215405 action pref=200; accept AS215405:AS-CONNECTED
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS215405 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type member AS200736: MEDIANET INVEST M.I.K.E (ISP Inalan)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS200736 action pref=300; accept AS-INALAN
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS200736 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS200736 action pref=300; accept AS-INALAN
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS200736 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS51392: Fusioned (Fusioned)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS51392 action pref=300; accept AS-FUSIONED
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS51392 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS51392 action pref=300; accept AS-FUSIONED
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS51392 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS56457: FASTPATH (FASTPATH)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS56457 action pref=300; accept AS-FASTPATH
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS56457 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS56457 action pref=300; accept AS-FASTPATH
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS56457 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS51574: FASTPATH TESTNET (FASTPATH)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS51574 action pref=300; accept AS51574
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS51574 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS51574 action pref=300; accept AS51574
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS51574 announce ANY
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Group 'frysix' type 'peer'
remarks:        Session type routeserver AS56393: Frys-IX Route Servers (Frys-IX)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS56393 action pref=200; accept AS-FRYS-IX-CONNECTED
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS56393 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS56393 action pref=200; accept AS-FRYS-IX-CONNECTED
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS56393 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type member AS8298: IPng Networks GmbH (IPng)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS8298 action pref=300; accept AS8298:AS-IPNG
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS8298 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS8298 action pref=300; accept AS8298:AS-IPNG
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS8298 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS52025: ParadoxNetworks Limited (PDXNET Limited)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS52025 action pref=300; accept AS52025:AS-ALL
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS52025 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS52025 action pref=300; accept AS52025:AS-ALL
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS52025 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS214380: (tim427)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS214380 action pref=300; accept AS214380:AS-TIM427
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS214380 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS214380 action pref=300; accept AS214380:AS-TIM427
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS214380 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS215842: Erwin Paal (
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS215842 action pref=300; accept AS215842:AS-ALL
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS215842 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS212855: ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS212855 action pref=300; accept AS212855:AS-LUJE
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS212855 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS212855 action pref=300; accept AS212855:AS-LUJE
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS212855 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS45009: BytePark ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS45009 action pref=300; accept AS45009:AS-BYTEPARK
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS45009 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS45009 action pref=300; accept AS45009:AS-BYTEPARK
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS45009 announce ANY
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Group 'lsix' type 'peer'
remarks:        Session type routeserver AS49917: LSIX IX Route Servers (LSIX)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS49917 action pref=200; accept AS-LSC-IXP
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS49917 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS49917 action pref=200; accept AS-LSC-IXP
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS49917 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type member AS45009: BytePark ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS45009 action pref=300; accept AS45009:AS-BYTEPARK
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS45009 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS45009 action pref=300; accept AS45009:AS-BYTEPARK
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS45009 announce ANY
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Group 'netix' type 'peer'
remarks:        Session type routeserver AS52055: NetIX Greece Route Servers (NetIX)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS52055 action pref=200; accept AS52055:AS-NETIX-GR
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS52055 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS52055 action pref=200; accept AS52055:AS-NETIX-GR
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS52055 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Group 'speedix' type 'peer'
remarks:        Session type routeserver AS41441: SPEED-IX Route Servers (Speed Internet Exchange)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS41441 action pref=200; accept AS-IX
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS41441 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS41441 action pref=200; accept AS-IX
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS41441 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type peer AS6939: Hurricane Electric (
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS6939 action pref=200; accept AS-HURRICANEV6
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS6939 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS6939 action pref=200; accept AS-HURRICANEV6
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS6939 announce AS50869:AS-MEMBERS
remarks:        Session type member AS214380: (tim427)
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS214380 action pref=300; accept AS214380:AS-TIM427
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS214380 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS214380 action pref=300; accept AS214380:AS-TIM427
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS214380 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS212855: ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS212855 action pref=300; accept AS212855:AS-LUJE
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS212855 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS212855 action pref=300; accept AS212855:AS-LUJE
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS212855 announce ANY
remarks:        Session type member AS45009: BytePark ()
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS45009 action pref=300; accept AS45009:AS-BYTEPARK
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast to AS45009 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS45009 action pref=300; accept AS45009:AS-BYTEPARK
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS45009 announce ANY
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Operational issues  : noc AT free-ix DOT net
remarks:        Spam & abuse issues : abuse AT free-ix DOT net
remarks:        Peering request     : peering AT free-ix DOT net
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Generated by IPng Networks Kees using
remarks:        FreeIX Remote routing policy consists of the following eBGP group types:
remarks:        AS50869:AS-PEERS        -- Direct peering adjacencies
remarks:        AS50869:AS-MEMBERS      -- Members who use FreeIX Remote
remarks:        AS50869:AS-ROUTESERVERS -- Internet exchange point Route Servers
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
org:            ORG-ING13-RIPE
sponsoring-org: ORG-PVP9-RIPE
admin-c:        PBVP1-RIPE
tech-c:         IPNG1-RIPE
status:         ASSIGNED
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
mnt-by:         IPNG-MNT
created:        2020-06-09T06:43:02Z
last-modified:  2025-01-20T14:00:49Z
source:         RIPE

organisation:   ORG-ING13-RIPE
org-name:       IPng Networks GmbH
country:        CH
org-type:       OTHER
address:        Im Bungert 14
address:        CH-8306 Bruttisellen
address:        Switzerland
phone:          +41446681929
abuse-c:        AR63244-RIPE
mnt-ref:        IPNG-MNT
mnt-by:         lir-ch-ipng-1-MNT
created:        2023-04-12T14:37:22Z
last-modified:  2023-05-11T13:52:20Z
source:         RIPE

role:           IPNG Technical Role Account
address:        Swiss Post Box: 100285
address:        Zurcherstrasse 161
address:        8010 Zurich
address:        Switzerland
nic-hdl:        IPNG1-RIPE
mnt-by:         IPNG-MNT
created:        2020-06-10T09:33:08Z
last-modified:  2020-06-10T09:55:41Z
source:         RIPE

person:         Pim van Pelt
address:        Swiss Post Box: 100285
address:        Zurcherstrasse 161
address:        8010 Zurich
address:        SWITZERLAND
phone:          +41 44 6681929
nic-hdl:        PBVP1-RIPE
remarks:        PGPKEY-4DCA7E5E
mnt-by:         IPNG-MNT
created:        2002-04-05T11:24:30Z
last-modified:  2024-03-16T22:25:06Z
source:         RIPE