AS Number
AS Name
Org Name
MilkyWan Association
Country / Region





AS2027 Looking Glass






IPv6 NUMs(/64)


2,304 IPv4 Addresses
CIDR Description IP Num
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
MilkyWan Association 1024
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
MilkyWan Association 256
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
MilkyWan Association 256
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
MilkyWan Association 512
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
MilkyWan Association 256
CIDR Description IP NUMs(prefix /64)
IRR Valid
MilkyWan Association 4294967296
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
MilkyWan Association 8589934592
ROA Signed and Valid IRR Valid
MilkyWan Association 34359738368
AS Description Country / Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS30844 LIQUID-AS - Liquid Telecommunications Ltd, GB United Kingdom 369,408 38,654,705,664 IPv6 IPv6
AS513 CERN - CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research, CH Switzerland 354,816 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29075 IELO - IELO-LIAZO SERVICES SAS, FR France 43,264 107,374,182,400 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56987 AS-ABACLOUDA - ABACLOUDA SAS, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS62000 NETRIX-AS - SERVERD SAS, FR France 6,656 85,899,345,920 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9002 RETN-AS - RETN Limited, GB United Kingdom 28,672 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS41327 FIBERTELECOM-AS - Fiber Telecom S.p.A., IT Italy 8,448 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47160 MOJI - MOJI SAS, FR France 5,376 34,376,515,584 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49434 FBWNETWORKS - FBW NETWORKS SAS, FR France 7,936 98,784,247,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209823 ENKI-AS - Enki Multimedia EURL, FR France 256 4,295,229,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35280 F5 - F5 Networks SARL, FR France 51,968 81,604,378,624 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49544 i3Dnet - B.V, NL Netherlands 94,976 354,874,032,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS200780 APPLIWAVE - Eurofiber France SAS, FR France 21,248 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58511 ANYCAST-GLOBAL-BACKBONE - Anycast Holdings Pty Ltd, AU Australia 23,552 8,589,934,592 IPv6 IPv6
AS2613 VAN_GULIK - Willem van Gulik, CH Switzerland 512 34,359,934,976 IPv4 IPv4
AS13237 LAMBDANET-AS - euNetworks GmbH, DE Germany 571,392 111,669,149,696 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24482 SGGS-AS-AP - SG.GS, SG Singapore 20,992 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35360 GARGUNET - Frederic Gargula, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209097 NETSYST - NETSYST SAS, FR France 2,560 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2603 NORDUNET, DK Denmark 9,984 34,359,738,368 IPv6 IPv6
AS12779 ITGATE - IT.Gate S.p.A., IT Italy 45,824 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25091 IP-MAX - IP-Max SA, CH Switzerland 15,360 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37468 ANGOLA-CABLES - Angola Cables, AO Angola 9,216 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37662 WIOCC-AS - West Indian Ocean Cable Company, MU Mauritius 10,240 12,885,032,960 IPv4 IPv4
AS58308 CUSAE-AS - Cusae SAS, FR France 3,072 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6696 VERIXI - VERIXI SA, BE Belgium 83,456 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34019 HIVANE - Hivane Association, FR France 2,816 1,245,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50628 Leonix-Telecom - ALWAYS ON SAS, FR France 14,592 137,438,953,472 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199524 GCORE - G-Core Labs S.A., LU Luxembourg 98,048 112,328,704 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15547 NETPLUS - SA, CH Switzerland 134,144 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16347 INHERENT - ADISTA SAS, FR France 233,472 386,547,056,640 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34177 CELESTE-AS - CELESTE SAS, FR France 192,768 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35600 ASN-VEDEGE - Vedege SAS, FR France 3,840 42,949,738,496 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35625 EUROFIBER-FRANCE - Eurofiber France SAS, FR France 28,672 103,095,992,320 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8218 NEO-ASN - Zayo Infrastructure France SA, FR France 47,360 12,884,967,424 IPv6 IPv6
AS559 SWITCH, CH Switzerland 2,184,704 176,093,790,208 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3303 SWISSCOM - Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, CH Switzerland 3,587,840 200,052,375,552 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13030 INIT7 - Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd., CH Switzerland 112,640 107,395,481,600 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20932 SIG-ST - Services Industriels de Geneve, CH Switzerland 9,472 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37721 Virtual-Technologies-Solutions-SA - Virtual Technologies & Solutions, BF Burkina Faso 15,872 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS Description Country / Region IPv4 NUMs IPv6 NUMs IPv4 IPv6
AS397032 SPARKED - SPARKED HOST LLC, US United States 3,072 196,608 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS19551 INCAPSULA - Incapsula Inc, US United States 211,200 41,025,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS39931 ASIPTEL - FRANCHE COMTE NET SAS, FR France 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41327 FIBERTELECOM-AS - Fiber Telecom S.p.A., IT Italy 8,448 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205555 VSCT - SNCF Connect & Tech Services SASU, FR France 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8723 INTEGRA-AS - ITS INTEGRA SAS, FR France 12,032 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15576 NTS - NTS workspace AG, CH Switzerland 44,288 86,201,794,560 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS204403 HOTCITY - HOTCITY SA, LU Luxembourg 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25160 VORBOSS_AS - Vorboss Limited, GB United Kingdom 189,696 103,079,215,104 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34019 HIVANE - Hivane Association, FR France 2,816 1,245,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57902 METROOPTIC - Metro Optic SAS, FR France 2,048 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS208414 WEDOS-GLOBAL - WEDOS Internet, a.s., CZ Czech 1,536 6,029,312 IPv6 IPv6
AS215528 INFOGENIUS-AS - InfoGenius SAS, FR France 512 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS9583 SIFY-AS-IN - Sify Limited, IN India 609,792 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43185 RESO-AS - RESO' SRL, IT Italy 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS197662 NC2 - XEFI ENGINEERING BY NC2 SAS, FR France 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS31178 CELEONET - Celeonet SAS, FR France 3,840 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48152 DIGITAL-REALTY-DE - Digital Frankfurt GmbH, DE Germany 20,992 64,424,509,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49544 i3Dnet - B.V, NL Netherlands 94,976 354,874,032,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15412 FLAG-AS - FLAG TELECOM UK LIMITED, GB United Kingdom 41,216 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS2613 VAN_GULIK - Willem van Gulik, CH Switzerland 512 34,359,934,976 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29075 IELO - IELO-LIAZO SERVICES SAS, FR France 43,264 107,374,182,400 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS210232 Pactoo - PACTOO SAS, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS211733 AtlasIP - Prime creation events SAS, FR France 768 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13335 CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US United States 1,781,760 43,955,388,416 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37613 Dolphin-Telecom-AS - DOLPHIN TELECOMMUNICATION LIMITED, GH Ghana 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS42275 THREEFOURTEEN - Three Fourteen SASU, FR France 1,024 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS42487 Vialis-Moselle - Vialis SEM, FR France 16,640 98,784,247,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS714 APPLE-ENGINEERING - Apple Inc., US United States 17,990,144 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8839 SDV-AS - SdV-Plurimedia, FR France 16,896 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20940 AKAMAI-ASN1 - Akamai International B.V., NL Netherlands 13,908,672 1,138,167,383,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24776 INFOCLIP-AS - INFOCLIP SA, FR France 14,336 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49463 ASN-LNC - Les Nouveaux Constructeurs SA, FR France 11,776 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8304 ECRITEL-FRANCE - Ecritel SASU, FR France 55,808 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9008 ASN-VO - Visual Online S.A., LU Luxembourg 20,736 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13113 ISILINE-AS - ISI Line srl, IT Italy 34,816 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS203724 MGG4-AS1 - Musarubra Germany GmbH, DE Germany 11,520 196,608 IPv4 IPv4
AS213253 MAEL-GRAMAIN - MAEL GRAMAIN, FR France 0 16,777,216 IPv6 IPv6
AS39386 STC-IGW-AS - Saudi Telecom Company JSC, SA Saudi Arabia 34,048 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47820 AS-CEGID - CEGID S.A., FR France 5,120 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS56987 AS-ABACLOUDA - ABACLOUDA SAS, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197133 MEDIACTIVE-NETWORK - MEDIACTIVE SAS, FR France 11,008 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8487 PHIBEE - Phibee Telecom SAS, FR France 26,368 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29467 LuxNetwork - LUXNETWORK S.A., LU Luxembourg 11,008 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47648 NOREST-SERVICES - NOREST SERVICES SAS, FR France 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS207372 PINGEX - LUNEO Association, FR France 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS213317 SIEA - SI D ENERGIE ET DE E-COMMUNICATION DE L AIN SIVU, FR France 256 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47242 HOST-SPA - Host SpA, IT Italy 9,472 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS49703 CONSULTIC - CONSULTIC SRL, BE Belgium 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS203030 Kalyst - KINCY SAS, FR France 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS42687 IzarLink1 - IZARLINK SAS, FR France 4,352 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197036 IPLINE - Destiny France Entreprises SAS, FR France 13,312 141,733,920,768 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS200050 ITSVision - ITSVision S.A.R.L., FR France 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS2906 AS-SSI - Netflix Streaming Services Inc., US United States 161,792 12,886,016,000 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5394 Unidata - UNIDATA S.p.A., IT Italy 90,112 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24482 SGGS-AS-AP - SG.GS, SG Singapore 20,992 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60983 LIOPEN-AS - LIOPEN SARL, FR France 1,536 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209323 GENEANET - Geneanet SAS, FR France 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS210879 SPARTEO - Sparteo SAS, FR France 512 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS213183 WHG-LUX - WHG Hosting Services Ltd, GB United Kingdom 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS212037 PROVOST-INFO - Marc Provost, FR France 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS6661 EPT-LU - POST Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg 220,160 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS19679 DROPBOX - Dropbox, Inc., US United States 74,752 16,777,216 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25094 CTIE - Centre des technologies de l'information de l'Etat, LU Luxembourg 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS44000 NET1C-AS - NET1C SARL, FR France 1,024 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS52075 WIFIRST - Wifirst S.A.S., FR France 132,352 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS14907 WIKIMEDIA - Wikimedia Foundation Inc., US United States 3,328 589,824 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS23889 MauritiusTelecom - Mauritius Telecom Ltd, MU Mauritius 946,688 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34422 LPGHC-AS - LPG HC, FR France 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58308 CUSAE-AS - Cusae SAS, FR France 3,072 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS63293 FACEBOOK-OFFNET - Facebook, Inc., US United States 22,016 4,259,840 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS212630 AS_LUXAIRPORT - Societe de l'aeroport de Luxembourg SA, LU Luxembourg 512 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8632 LOL-AS - Luxembourg Online S.A., LU Luxembourg 23,808 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31424 NEXELLENT-AS - Netrics Zuerich AG, Opfikon, CH Switzerland 13,568 8,590,262,272 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS33930 INTRINSEC-AS - Cloud Temple SAS, FR France 6,656 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS62955 EBAYMTBB - eBay, Inc, US United States 10,240 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS210036 RAYHAANNET - Rayhaan Ahmad Jaufeerally, CH Switzerland 768 720,896 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199524 GCORE - G-Core Labs S.A., LU Luxembourg 98,048 112,328,704 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21449 ETATGE - ETAT DE GENEVE, CH Switzerland 135,424 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35717 WEBEDIA-AS - WEBEDIA SA, FR France 5,888 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49121 INFTELE-AS - Infinity Telecom, s.r.o., CZ Czech 6,400 327,680 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199483 LINKER-AS - NXO France SAS, FR France 4,608 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12727 VIALIS - Vialis SEM, FR France 15,360 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS33835 INFOSAT-AS - WEACCESS GROUP S.A., FR France 7,168 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39180 LASOTEL - LASOTEL SAS, FR France 16,640 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS204869 SYSTAILOR-FR - SYSTAILOR SAS, FR France 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS205005 MICSO_srl_Torino_Branch - Micso s.r.l., IT Italy 9,728 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS4601 DNET - Antonios A. Chariton, GR Greece 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS59842 AS_BELIEVE_DIGITAL - BELIEVE SAS, FR France 2,304 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60129 CSTI-NET - CSTI SA, CH Switzerland 2,048 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35625 EUROFIBER-FRANCE - Eurofiber France SAS, FR France 28,672 103,095,992,320 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS53589 PLANETHOSTER-8 - PlanetHoster, CA Canada 10,752 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS57976 BLIZZARD - Blizzard Entertainment, Inc, US United States 62,208 4,295,360,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2484 NIC-FR-DNS-ANYCAST-AFNIC - AFNIC (Association Francaise pour le Nommage Internet en Cooperation), FR France 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20900 AS-IMSNETORKS - IMS Networks SAS, FR France 13,312 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS28855 OCTOPUCE-AS - Octopuce s.a.r.l., FR France 6,144 6,442,516,480 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57965 ICRC-LUM - International Committe of the Red Cross (ICRC), CH Switzerland 512 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20766 GITOYEN-MAIN-AS - Association "Gitoyen", FR France 10,496 43,218,108,416 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24940 HETZNER-AS - Hetzner Online GmbH, DE Germany 2,582,016 81,608,572,928 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57642 ADENCF-AS - Figaro Classifieds SA, FR France 2,304 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8309 SIPARTECH - SIPARTECH SAS, FR France 40,960 34,359,934,976 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12322 PROXAD - Free SAS, FR France 10,985,472 274,877,906,944 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS45758 TTBP-AS-AP - Triple T Broadband Public Company Limited, TH Thailand 1,072,896 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS208069 ATAXYA - Cecile Morange, FR France 256 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS44407 ASN-LINKT - Linkt SAS, FR France 95,744 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS54994 ML-1432-54994 - Meteverse Limited., CA Canada 209,664 8,847,360 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS202438 encevo - Encevo S.A, LU Luxembourg 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS206568 FR-ALTSYSNET - ALTSYSNET.COM SAS, FR France 768 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4
AS513 CERN - CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research, CH Switzerland 354,816 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25488 COMUNE-NOVARA-AS - Comune di Novara, IT Italy 8,192 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS59689 CODE40-AS - CODE40 SAS, FR France 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30081 CACHENETWORKS - CacheFly, US United States 12,544 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34572 HELIANTIS-AS - HELIANTIS SAS, FR France 11,264 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34683 AS-TELKEATELECOM - TELKEA TELECOM SA, LU Luxembourg 17,920 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS205926 AUXILIUM-AS - AUXILIUM S.R.L., IT Italy 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS207300 SERVEUR_TECH - Stephane Blondeau, FR France 512 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12400 PARTNER-AS - Partner Communications Ltd., IL Israel 2,147,328 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13150 CATON - CATO NETWORKS LTD, IL Israel 41,984 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS20672 GROUPE-SERVEUR-ASnumber - Groupe Serveur SAS, FR France 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS1301 FR-EDFDPT3 - Electricite de France SA, FR France 24,832 268,500,992 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197422 TETANEUTRAL-NET-AS - Association declaree, FR France 2,048 4,295,098,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209254 PYXYA - PYXYA SAS, FR France 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS44295 LAB-AS - Lab Luxembourg S.A., LU Luxembourg 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS52025 PARADOXNETWORKS-LIMITED - ParadoxNetworks Limited, GB United Kingdom 2,048 37,421,056 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57103 Voxity - Nomotech SAS, FR France 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197551 AMEOS - AMEOS SARL, FR France 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS4134 CHINANET-BACKBONE - No.31,Jin-rong Street, CN China 110,725,888 17,592,187,682,816 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12684 SES-LUX-AS - SES ASTRA S.A., LU Luxembourg 270,336 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15965 AS15965 - CEGECOM S.A., LU Luxembourg 21,760 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50446 Datacampus - Datacampus SAS, FR France 3,328 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS64444 RESEAU-THD - RESEAU THD SARL, FR France 3,584 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS30972 BEDROCK - Bedrock SAS, FR France 4,096 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39063 LEITWERT - Leitwert GmbH, DE Germany 512 17,180,393,472 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44887 AravisConnect - AMETIS SCRL, FR France 256 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS10310 YAHOO-1 - Oath Holdings Inc., US United States 122,112 25,769,934,848 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS45009 BytePark - Rogier Krieger, NL Netherlands 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15169 GOOGLE - Google LLC, US United States 9,269,504 98,801,090,560 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS198507 QUANTIC-TELECOM - Quantic Telecom SAS, FR France 4,864 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4
AS58011 Cheops-AS - CHEOPS TECHNOLOGY FRANCE S.A., FR France 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197869 CIRCL - Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity, LU Luxembourg 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209097 NETSYST - NETSYST SAS, FR France 2,560 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39120 CONVERGENZE-AS - Convergenze S.p.A., IT Italy 43,520 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50234 EULERIAN-AS - EULERIAN TECHNOLOGIES S.A.S., FR France 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13273 ALTERWAY-OPS - Alter Way SAS, FR France 27,392 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49584 DATAXION - Dataxion SAS, FR France 2,048 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS202321 INA - Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, FR France 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS39104 OXEVA - Oxeva SAS, FR France 6,144 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS199422 REZOPOLE - France IX Services SASU, FR France 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS200129 LHISP - LHISP S.A., LU Luxembourg 1,024 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS3856 PCH-AS - Packet Clearing House, Inc., US United States 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20562 OPEN-PEERING-AS - Broadband Hosting B.V., NL Netherlands 0 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29838 AMC - Atlantic Metro Communications II, Inc., US United States 136,192 9,126,805,504 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS396986 BYTEDANCE - Bytedance Inc., US United States 55,296 5,701,632 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2635 AUTOMATTIC - Automattic, Inc, US United States 38,400 3,014,656 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6752 ANDORRA - ANDORRA TELECOM, S.A.U., AD Andorra 57,344 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41114 ORNETHD - ORNE THD SPL, FR France 17,408 64,424,509,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15826 NFRANCE - NFrance Conseil, FR France 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8298 IPNG - IPng Networks GmbH, CH Switzerland 512 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS204279 ELTRONA - Eltrona Interdiffusion S.A., LU Luxembourg 9,216 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199660 CLOUDATA - LTI NETWORKS SASU, FR France 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS4229 ZEN-NET - Zenlayer Inc, US United States 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS46489 TWITCH - Twitch Interactive Inc., US United States 44,544 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50903 TRINAPS - TRINAPS SAS, FR France 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS212346 RyD - Value IT SAS, FR France 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6507 RIOT-NA1 - Riot Games, Inc, US United States 22,272 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS39305 CONVERGENCE-FR - Groupe SAS, FR France 17,664 171,798,691,840 IPv4 IPv4
AS50309 ARCADIZ - Arcadiz Telecom NV, BE Belgium 6,144 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS50414 CodeBGP-Monitor - ThousandEyes LLC, US United States 256 196,608 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS559 SWITCH, CH Switzerland 2,184,704 176,093,790,208 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12696 AXA-TECH - AXA Technology Services France GIE, FR France 25,600 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25273 BCELU - Broadcasting Center Europe (an RTL Group Company), LU Luxembourg 8,704 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS201675 SACLAK-NETWORK - SACLAK NETWORK SARL, FR France 3,072 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42 WOODYNET-1 - WoodyNet, Inc., US United States 58,368 13,172,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6866 CYTA-NETWORK - Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, CY Cyprus 542,208 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS46786 IPTRANSIT - IP Transit Inc., US United States 3,584 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS201080 AS-SCANI - Societe Cooperative D'amenagement Numerique Icaunaise SCIC, FR France 3,840 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4
AS215596 Kissgroup - KISSGROUP SAS, FR France 1,792 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS6696 VERIXI - VERIXI SA, BE Belgium 83,456 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13237 LAMBDANET-AS - euNetworks GmbH, DE Germany 571,392 111,669,149,696 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35360 GARGUNET - Frederic Gargula, CH Switzerland 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2486 NIC-FR-DNS-UNICAST-PARIS2 - AFNIC (Association Francaise pour le Nommage Internet en Cooperation), FR France 1,536 327,680 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS198111 IPDIRECTIONS-AS - IP Directions SAS, FR France 2,048 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12779 ITGATE - IT.Gate S.p.A., IT Italy 45,824 42,949,804,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29222 Infomaniak-AS - Infomaniak Network SA, CH Switzerland 61,184 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209823 ENKI-AS - Enki Multimedia EURL, FR France 256 4,295,229,440 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS211694 ALPES-NET - Alpes Networks SAS, FR France 512 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15695 Expereo - Expereo International BV, NL Netherlands 43,776 2,955,149,312 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16509 AMAZON-02 -, Inc., US United States 159,174,400 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 IPv4 IPv4
AS36692 CISCO-UMBRELLA - Cisco OpenDNS, LLC, US United States 144,128 5,570,560 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS132337 ANSPL-AS-AP - AXCLUSIVE PTE. LTD., SG Singapore 7,936 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197981 INTERCLOUD-ASN - SAS INTERCLOUD, FR France 4,096 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4
AS211018 VDL - Administration Communale Luxemberg, LU Luxembourg 256 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS57734 FRANCEIX - France IX Services SASU, FR France 512 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS212971 AS-BITSCHINE - ALAIN BITSCHINE, FR France 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS35426 NEXTMAP - NXT Initiative SAS, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58453 CMI-INT-HK - China Mobile International Limited, HK Hong Kong 197,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS62009 INFORMATICA-SYSTEM-AS - INFORMATICA SYSTEM S.R.L., IT Italy 2,048 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39605 IGUANESOLUTIONS - Iguane Solutions SAS, FR France 8,448 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60068 CDN77 - Datacamp Limited, GB United Kingdom 103,424 1,074,003,968 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12333 DFINET - Cheops Technology Switzerland SA, CH Switzerland 13,824 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS23764 CTGNet - China Telecom Global Limited, HK Hong Kong 40,960 1,638,400 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34863 HEXANET - HEXANET SAS, FR France 18,688 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS28716 RETELIT-AS - Retelit Digital Services S.p.A., IT Italy 47,616 107,374,182,400 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS52073 I2SNETWORK - I2SNETWORK SAS, FR France 768 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199758 NEXYLAN - SAS Nexylan, FR France 4,864 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS200780 APPLIWAVE - Eurofiber France SAS, FR France 21,248 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS201246 AVM-INFO-AS - AVM Informatique SAS, FR France 4,096 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206983 airmont - Altilink SARL, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS207463 INFOGAIR - Vincent PAGES, FR France 256 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS36864 AFRIBONEMALI-AS - AFRIBONE MALI SA, ML Mali 12,544 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39636 ASN-AEMNET - IREN ENERGIA S.P.A, IT Italy 40,960 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS199248 NUMLOG - NUMLOG S.A.S., FR France 1,792 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29246 OPTILIAN-AS - OPTILIAN SARL, FR France 1,536 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS39583 PERTINEO - Pertineo SAS, FR France 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS201699 LEVELSYS - LEVEL SYS SAS, FR France 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS35482 regionauvergne-AS - REGION AUVERGNE-RHONE-ALPES, FR France 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS42411 Taqnia_Space_AS - TAQNIA SPACE CO., SA Saudi Arabia 3,072 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206874 KYXAR - Kyxar SARL, FR France 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS6774 ASN-BICS - Belgacom International Carrier Services SA, BE Belgium 20,256 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS21333 INVA-AS - IN.VA. S.p.A., IT Italy 4,352 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS31042 SERBIA-BROADBAND-AS - Serbia BroadBand-Srpske Kablovske mreze d.o.o., RS Serbia 515,072 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS37468 ANGOLA-CABLES - Angola Cables, AO Angola 9,216 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS209295 AS_TSUKERU - Romain Lecat, FR France 256 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS327956 PARABOLE-REUNION - PARABOLE REUNION, RE Reunion Island 16,384 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS58208 VCORE-AS - GEDEFI Conseil SARL, FR France 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS15547 NETPLUS - SA, CH Switzerland 134,144 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20565 NETALIS - Netalis SAS, FR France 4,352 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4
AS31564 HEXAGLOBE-AS - HEXAGLOBE SAS, FR France 768 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS43858 ASN-WEBAXYS - WEBAXYS SAS, FR France 4,352 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS201973 CURIA-AS - European Court of Justice, LU Luxembourg 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS203554 LVM-FR - Louis Vuitton Malletier SA, FR France 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS9304 HUTCHISON-AS-AP - HGC Global Communications Limited, HK Hong Kong 1,546,240 12,886,081,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41644 EMISFERA-AS - Emisfera Societa' Cooperativa, IT Italy 1,280 268,435,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43445 ARTEFRANCE - ARTE FRANCE SA, FR France 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8966 Etisalat-AS - EMIRATES TELECOMMUNICATIONS GROUP COMPANY (ETISALAT GROUP) PJSC, AE United Arab Emirates 16,384 4,295,294,976 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44842 SMSN-Network - Syndicat Mixte Somme Numerique, FR France 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS211925 BLUESOFT-AS - BLUE SOFT SAS, FR France 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS206610 MIXVOIP - Mixvoip S.A., LU Luxembourg 16,896 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4
AS20278 NEXEON - Nexeon Technologies, Inc., US United States 162,560 4,311,744,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47833 AGORANET - AGORA CALYCE SpAS, FR France 3,584 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS136907 HWCLOUDS-AS-AP - HUAWEI INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD., HK Hong Kong 973,056 556,269,568 IPv4 IPv4
AS198034 SENSOTELECOM-AS - VOIP Telecom SAS, FR France 1,536 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS207992 feelb - FEELB SARL, FR France 4,352 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12826 CYLLENE-ITS - CYLLENE ITS SAS, FR France 6,144 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24611 DCLUX-AS - Datacenter Luxembourg S.A., LU Luxembourg 12,800 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS33353 SBS - Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC, US United States 37,632 15,035,269,120 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44334 RTLNET-ASN - M6 Distribution Digital SAS, FR France 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49923 gffnet - Generale Frigorifique SAS, FR France 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS199125 AllianceReseaux-AS - Alliance Reseaux SAS, FR France 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS209902 RAIWAY - RAI WAY S.P.A., IT Italy 4,096 458,752 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS212970 TEDDYCHEREAU-AS - Teddy CHEREAU, FR France 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS8529 OMANTEL-AS - Zain Omantel International FZ-LLC, AE United Arab Emirates 6,656 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16128 AGARIK-NETWORK - AGARIK SAS, FR France 14,336 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41090 E-LIANCE - Equation SAS, FR France 5,120 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60595 Neptune - NEPTUNE INTERNET SERVICES SAS, FR France 1,536 4,295,098,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15830 Equinix - Equinix (EMEA) Acquisition Enterprises B.V., NL Netherlands 1,212,928 358,832,275,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51326 W3TEL-AS - W3TEL SAS, FR France 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60497 ict-media - Uwe Zeidler, LU Luxembourg 1,024 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS29513 FOLIATEAM - Foliateam Operateur SAS, FR France 15,616 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37002 Reunicable - Reunicable SAS, RE Reunion Island 165,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS203143 BCEE-LU - Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS13226 CYBERNET - CYBERNET SA, BE Belgium 7,936 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS29169 GANDI-AS - GANDI SAS, FR France 31,744 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS328366 FirstnetTechnology-AS - FIRSTNET TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (PTY) LTD, ZA South Africa 16,384 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS9002 RETN-AS - RETN Limited, GB United Kingdom 28,672 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS2611 BELNET, BE Belgium 866,048 111,669,149,696 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8283 COLOCLUE-AS - Netwerkvereniging Coloclue, NL Netherlands 3,584 4,295,032,832 IPv4 IPv4
AS8674 NETNOD-IX - Netnod AB, SE Sweden 7,936 8,590,065,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15796 SALT-CH - Salt Mobile SA, CH Switzerland 98,304 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15814 AS15814 - Clearstream Services S.A., LU Luxembourg 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48426 OVER-LINK - "OVER-LINK" s.a.s., FR France 1,536 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS51616 WINDSLSRL-AS - Windsl S.r.l., IT Italy 4,608 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS15557 LDCOMNET - Societe Francaise Du Radiotelephone - SFR SA, FR France 15,882,496 635,655,618,560 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35798 DEVERYWARE - DEVERYWARE S.A., FR France 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS30844 LIQUID-AS - Liquid Telecommunications Ltd, GB United Kingdom 369,408 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS198239 OLLINK-AS - OLLINK SARL, FR France 2,304 131,072 IPv4 IPv4
AS57797 SYSLEVEL - SysLevel SAS, FR France 0 4,311,744,512 IPv6 IPv6
AS13285 OPALTELECOM-AS - TalkTalk Communications Limited, GB United Kingdom 2,928,128 214,748,364,800 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29283 ADP-TELECOM-AS - Hub One SA, FR France 23,808 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS215097 SYSTEMDYNAMICS - SYSTEM DYNAMICS SARL, FR France 256 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS36958 CWSeychelles-AS - Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd, SC Seychelles 19,456 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS16347 INHERENT - ADISTA SAS, FR France 233,472 386,547,056,640 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21409 IKOULA - Ikoula Net SAS, FR France 56,576 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS28768 XSALTO-AS - Alpilink Cloud S.A.S., FR France 5,120 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS211448 WEBCONEX-SAS - WEBCONEX SAS, FR France 1,024 2,097,152 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS212977 TOOTAI-AS - TOOTAI SASU, FR France 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS34655 DOCLER-AS - JWE S.a r.l., LU Luxembourg 8,704 393,216 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48213 ABICOM - ABICOM SAS, FR France 2,304 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS203547 NEXT2i - NEXT2i SARL, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS198385 AlpineDC - AlpineDC SA, CH Switzerland 7,168 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS22822 LLNW - Limelight Networks, Inc., US United States 140,800 17,179,934,720 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47944 CHD-AS - Chambre des Deputes Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg 2,048 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS51468 ONECOM - A/S, DK Denmark 35,072 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47176 GASCOMCH - GAS&COM AG, CH Switzerland 7,424 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50124 EASIO-COM - EASIO-COM SASU, FR France 512 1,048,576 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS198545 FLEXNETWORK-AS - FLEX NETWORK SARL, FR France 20,224 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9137 ASN-UNO - Uno Communications SpA, IT Italy 10,240 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31121 WPWEB-AS - WpWeb S.r.l., IT Italy 2,816 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS36236 NETACTUATE - NetActuate, Inc, US United States 58,112 2,452,684,800 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25091 IP-MAX - IP-Max SA, CH Switzerland 15,360 68,719,607,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS5410 BOUYGTEL-ISP - Bouygues Telecom SA, FR France 7,092,224 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6738 DRI - DRI SAS, FR France 3,072 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS21056 ASN-WELCOMEITALIA - Vianova S.p.A, IT Italy 86,528 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS198290 AS-GITS - Global IT Services PSF SA, LU Luxembourg 1,536 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS216428 AS-NOCTERNITY - Emmanuel BENOIT, FR France 0 65,536 IPv6 IPv6
AS13002 ISIX-AS - ISIX Communications LLP, GB United Kingdom 8,704 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34927 iFog-GmbH - iFog GmbH, CH Switzerland 5,376 244,449,280 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42369 CORESYSTEM - CORESYSTEM SASU, FR France 768 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34659 KEYYO - KEYYO SA, FR France 30,720 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2094 FR-TELECOM-MANAGEMENT-SUDPARIS - Renater, FR France 65,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8400 TELEKOM-AS - TELEKOM SRBIJA a.d., RS Serbia 791,808 73,014,444,032 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16080 Dalenys - Payplug Enterprise SAS, FR France 768 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS211999 LuxProvide - LuxProvide S.A., LU Luxembourg 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS21859 ZEN-ECN - Zenlayer Inc, US United States 670,976 17,118,724,096 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57344 TELEHOUSE-AS - Telehouse EAD, BG Bulgaria 24,320 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS204025 CMD - Centre de Telecommunications et Teleinformatiques Luxembourgeois s.a., LU Luxembourg 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS210144 ZADEASRL - ZADEA SRL, IT Italy 2,048 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS211882 Aquilenet, FR France 512 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2200 FR-RENATER - Renater, FR France 3,236,864 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29286 SKYLOGIC-AS - SKYLOGIC S.P.A., IT Italy 172,288 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS199396 SAMES-WIRELESS - Association Sames Wireless, FR France 512 16,777,216 IPv4 IPv4
AS8368 BENESOL-BACKBONE - Destiny N.V, BE Belgium 142,848 206,158,430,208 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21101 SISTEMIUNO-AS - Sistemi Hardware&Software S.P.A., IT Italy 5,376 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS25152 K-ROOT-SERVER - Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), NL Netherlands 512 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43625 Wi-Fi-System-AS - Wi-Fi System di GianCarlo Forno, IT Italy 3,328 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS49434 FBWNETWORKS - FBW NETWORKS SAS, FR France 7,936 98,784,247,808 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60456 REVTELECOM - REVTELECOM GROUP SAS, FR France 2,048 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS201479 BULLGREOSI - Bull sas, FR France 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS13030 INIT7 - Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd., CH Switzerland 112,640 107,395,481,600 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20764 RASCOM-AS - CJSC RASCOM, RU Russian Federation 13,312 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39444 OWENTIS-AS - OWENTIS SAS, FR France 4,096 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29608 WAN2MANY-AS - OVEA SAS, FR France 15,872 107,374,247,936 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS55256 NETSKOPE - Netskope Inc, US United States 111,104 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS42929 ARTEFACT - Artefact SARL, FR France 4,608 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS62119 ROOT-FR - root SAS, FR France 1,536 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50754 C2D - C2D System House Luxembourg SA, LU Luxembourg 512 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS207849 ESIEESPACE, FR France 1,024 16,777,216 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS37662 WIOCC-AS - West Indian Ocean Cable Company, MU Mauritius 10,240 12,885,032,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS43142 AdeliNovius - ADELI SAS, FR France 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS39801 FRANCE-IX-L3P - France IX Services SASU, FR France 768 2,097,152 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50628 Leonix-Telecom - ALWAYS ON SAS, FR France 14,592 137,438,953,472 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51083 Grenode - Association Grenode, FR France 7,424 138,814,685,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29104 THALESGROUP-AS - Thales Services Numeriques SAS, FR France 6,400 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41044 THYA-AS - L'ile aux surfers s.a.r.l., FR France 1,536 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS42845 Bretagnetelecom - BRETAGNE TELECOM SASU, FR France 15,872 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS203062 Alexandre-Roux - Alexandre Roux, FR France 0 51,445,760 IPv6 IPv6
AS2603 NORDUNET, DK Denmark 9,984 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS52143 DOTSMART - dotSmart SARL, FR France 512 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS208627 ALARIG - Association Groupe Rennais pour un Internet Fourni de maniere Ouverte et Neutre, FR France 256 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34691 TLCWEB-AS - Intendo S.r.l., IT Italy 2,048 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS50172 RATP - Regie Autonome Des Transports Parisiens, FR France 768 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS199116 REZEL - Association Rezel, FR France 1,280 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS200748 GOSB-ASN - EPT Grand-Orly Seine Bievre, FR France 1,024 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS327814 Ecoband - Ecoband Ltd, GH Ghana 6,144 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS6461 ZAYO-6461 - Zayo Bandwidth, US United States 1,675,008 17,986,682,880 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16189 AS-KleeGroup - KLEE SA, FR France 2,048 34,359,803,904 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51300 FASTALP-AS - Telecomunicazioni digitali Fastalp S.R.L., IT Italy 4,096 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS31019 MEANIE - Paulus M. Hoogsteder, NL Netherlands 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS210851 NPATOUILLARD - Nicolas Patouillard, FR France 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS45899 VNPT-AS-VN - VNPT Corp, VN Viet Nam 7,656,192 12,885,032,960 IPv4 IPv4
AS48305 NORAINA-EU - Noraina Ltd, IE Ireland 4,096 34,360,000,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20756 NAMESHIELD - NAMESHIELD SAS, FR France 5,376 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20932 SIG-ST - Services Industriels de Geneve, CH Switzerland 9,472 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61205 INFOMIL - Infomil S.A.S., FR France 11,264 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS21351 CANALPLUSTELECOM - Canal + Telecom SAS, GP Guadeloupe 206,080 1,778,384,896 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS29632 NASSIST-AS - Netassist Limited, GI Gibraltar 17,152 589,824 IPv4 IPv4
AS8968 BT-Italia - BT Italia S.p.A., IT Italy 822,656 4,294,967,296 IPv6 IPv6
AS22697 ROBLOX-PRODUCTION - Roblox, US United States 35,840 16,842,752 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25593 LINKBYNET-AS - Accenture SAS, FR France 16,896 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206059 VIVIERS-FIBRE - Association Viviers Fibre, FR France 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57300 CORIXL - Comuni Riuniti XL s.r.l., IT Italy 5,120 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS196983 ELSYNET - Elsynet S.r.l., IT Italy 5,376 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS205344 TELERYS-ASN - TELERYS COMMUNICATION SAS, FR France 2,304 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44444 Forcepoint-Cloud-AS - Forcepoint Cloud Ltd, GB United Kingdom 48,640 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48817 PRIZZTEL - PRIZZ TELECOM SAS, FR France 1,280 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS55195 CIRA-CLOUD1 - CIRA Canadian Internet Registration Authority Autorit Canadienne pour les enregistrements Internet, CA Canada 2,304 1,114,112 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS203058 TIMS - TIMS Systemes SAS, FR France 2,304 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS210051 telli - TELLI SAS, FR France 256 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4
AS12431 SYB-AS - SYBCOM GmbH, DE Germany 9,472 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS15401 EOLAS-AS - Orange Business Services SA, FR France 8,960 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41652 SAS-SHPV-FRANCE - SHPV FRANCE SAS, FR France 3,328 68,719,476,736 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205010 lanetcie - LaNetCie SAS, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4
AS216302 kaminot - Kaminot SAS, FR France 256 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS38040 GLOBAL-TRANSIT-TOT-IIG-TH - TOT Public Company Limited, TH Thailand 7,680 196,608 IPv4 IPv4
AS40934 FORTINET - Fortinet Inc., US United States 49,920 393,216 IPv4 IPv4
AS60427 SYSTEM-NET-AS - System-Net Sas, FR France 1,792 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS56630 MELBICOM-EU-AS - Melbikomas UAB, LT Lithuania 48,896 7,247,757,312 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS204207 Devanlay - LACOSTE OPERATIONS S.A., FR France 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS24429 Taobao - Zhejiang Taobao Network Co.,Ltd, CN China 78,080 9,568,256 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25428 INFOCO-COLRUYT-AS - Colruyt Group NV, BE Belgium 2,304 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44219 ICCOM-AS - Iccom S.r.l., IT Italy 5,120 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS48072 ALSATIS-AS - Alsatis SAS, FR France 18,944 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS204092 GRIFON - Association GRIFON, FR France 512 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS1828 UNITAS - Unitas Global, US United States 228,352 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20473 AS-VULTR - The Constant Company, LLC, US United States 1,220,096 244,004,421,632 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44141 DEVCLIC-AS - DEVCLIC SARL, FR France 3,840 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS8452 TE-AS - TE-AS, EG Egypt 7,586,304 77,309,411,328 IPv4 IPv4
AS57119 NAITWAYS-AS - NAITWAYS SAS, FR France 6,144 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS208014 IT-METRIX-AS - IT METRIX S.A.R.L, FR France 1,024 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS54113 FASTLY - Fastly, Inc., US United States 356,864 7,123,304,448 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12876 AS12876 - SCALEWAY S.A.S., FR France 475,136 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16276 OVH - OVH SAS, FR France 4,405,760 17,179,869,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS48732 PEERES-TELECOM - Martial Duboc, FR France 256 537,001,984 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60350 VP - VENTE-PRIVEE.COM SA, FR France 5,376 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS64049 RJIPL-SG - Reliance Jio Infocomm Pte.Ltd, SG Singapore 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197692 Conostix - Conostix S.A., LU Luxembourg 2,816 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20804 ASN-TELENERGO - Exatel S.A., PL Poland 242,176 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31449 AS31449 - BELCENTER SA, BE Belgium 5,120 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS48519 KNIPP-AMS-AS - Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH, DE Germany 4,352 589,824 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS39351 ESAB-AS - 31173 Services AB, SE Sweden 9,728 4,297,064,448 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47608 GIGALIS-AS - SM Etude Devel Sces Reseaux Com, FR France 5,376 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS32787 PROLEXIC-TECHNOLOGIES-DDOS-MITIGATION-NETWORK - Akamai Technologies, Inc., US United States 94,720 5,898,240 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42425 ASN-AVANZATI - PSA S.r.l., IT Italy 5,376 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS57157 BI-AS - bi. SAS, FR France 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS197922 TECHCREA-SOLUTIONS - Techcrea Solutions SAS, FR France 13,568 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS9036 NEURONNEXION-AS - Neuronnexion, FR France 5,120 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25369 BANDWIDTH-AS - Hydra Communications Ltd, GB United Kingdom 126,208 51,539,804,160 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31638 ASN-LEPIDA - Lepida S.c.p.A., IT Italy 80,640 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS57468 AZA-TELECOM - AZA TELECOM SARL, FR France 4,608 38,654,705,664 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197033 CPRO-AS - KOESIO Networks SAS, FR France 19,456 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS210834 LU-CIX-IT - LU-CIX Management GIE, LU Luxembourg 1,536 268,435,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2686 ATGS-MMD-AS - AT&T Corp., US United States 1,314,304 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12850 ASN-ENTER - Retelit Digital Services S.p.A., IT Italy 37,888 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS24904 KWAOO - K-NET SARL, FR France 39,424 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS7500 M-ROOT-DNS - WIDE Project, JP Japan 768 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS20253 QWILTED-PROD-01 - Qwilt Inc., US United States 7,680 19,988,480 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50779 SOMEI-AS - Societe Mediterraneenne d'Etudes et d'Informatique SA, FR France 256 34,359,803,904 IPv6 IPv6
AS8262 EVOLINK-AS - Evolink AD, BG Bulgaria 50,176 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4
AS216239 PRINTEMPS-AS - PRINTEMPS SAS, FR France 256 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS62443 AKWA - Nicolas VUILLERMET, FR France 256 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS25540 ALPHALINK-AS - Alphalink SASU, FR France 119,040 150,323,855,360 IPv4 IPv4
AS31167 Axione-AS - AXIONE S.A.S., FR France 32,000 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41653 AQUARAY - Aqua Ray SAS, FR France 5,888 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35600 ASN-VEDEGE - Vedege SAS, FR France 3,840 42,949,738,496 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS49690 SGT-FR - Saint Gobain Group Digital & IT International SAS, FR France 16,896 268,435,456 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS207910 DAM64 - Damien Lacoste, FR France 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8399 SEWAN-FR - SEWAN SAS, FR France 170,240 141,733,920,768 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12565 Groupe_LDLC - GROUPE LDLC SA, FR France 1,280 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS47866 IBROWSE - iBrowse SARL, FR France 21,248 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS56665 TANGO-PROXIMUS_NXT - Proximus Luxembourg S.A., LU Luxembourg 44,800 34,628,370,432 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS206002 SCALAIR-FR - Scalair SAS, FR France 1,280 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS4455 BSO - IX Reach Ltd, GB United Kingdom 56,832 8,590,000,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8554 ATSAT - TAS France SAS, FR France 19,200 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS197696 EVOLIX-AS - Evolix SARL, FR France 3,072 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44902 COV-ASN - Covage Infra SASU, FR France 18,944 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS47160 MOJI - MOJI SAS, FR France 5,376 34,376,515,584 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8560 IONOS-AS - IONOS SE, DE Germany 676,608 90,227,933,184 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35598 INETCOM - INETCOM CARRIER LLC, RU Russian Federation 37,376 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42473 AS-ANEXIA - ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH, AT Austria 83,200 4,320,133,120 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS41690 DAILYMOTION - Dailymotion S.A., FR France 3,584 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS58511 ANYCAST-GLOBAL-BACKBONE - Anycast Holdings Pty Ltd, AU Australia 23,552 8,589,934,592 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61955 ColocationIX-AS - ColocationIX GmbH, DE Germany 1,024 458,752 IPv4 IPv4
AS139341 ACE-AS-AP - ACEVILLE PTE.LTD., SG Singapore 115,712 8,060,928 IPv4 IPv4
AS201900 OLGroupe - EAGLE FOOTBALL GROUP SA, FR France 1,024 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS12654 RIPE-NCC-RIS-AS - Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), NL Netherlands 5,520 3,801,344 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS26415 VERISIGN-INC - VeriSign Global Registry Services, US United States 288 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS33845 SWISSGOV - Swiss Federation represented by FOITT, CH Switzerland 135,168 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS210165 VIDEAS - VIDEAS SAS, FR France 256 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS212321 pcalacarte - PC A LA CARTE SASU, FR France 256 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2602 RESTENA - Fondation RESTENA, LU Luxembourg 83,456 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35793 acronis - Acronis International GmbH, CH Switzerland 4,864 720,896 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS51269 HEXATOM - HEXATOM s.a.r.l., FR France 7,168 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4
AS35280 F5 - F5 Networks SARL, FR France 51,968 81,604,378,624 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS32590 VALVE-CORPORATION - Valve Corporation, US United States 12,800 2,031,616 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS138915 KAOPU-HK - Kaopu Cloud HK Limited, HK Hong Kong 174,848 3,866,624 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8218 NEO-ASN - Zayo Infrastructure France SA, FR France 47,360 12,884,967,424 IPv6 IPv6
AS34177 CELESTE-AS - CELESTE SAS, FR France 192,768 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42669 MEGAWEB_IT_BIELLA - CITTA' STUDI S.P.A., IT Italy 4,096 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS328411 Gulfsat-Madagascar-AS - Gulfsat Madagascar, MG Madagascar 24,576 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS205068 ADVCOM - ADVCOM SARL, FR France 1,024 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS15436 Witbe-AS - WITBE S.A., FR France 4,352 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16101 ORDIPAT - ORDIPAT SAS, FR France 256 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS60171 AFRIX-AS - AFR-IX TELECOM SAU, ES Spain 13,056 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS198330 Xefi - XEFI LYON SAS, FR France 7,424 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS39781 DIABOLOCOM - Diabolocom SAS, FR France 3,328 17,448,304,640 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47127 TELEMAQUE - TELEMAQUE SAS, FR France 512 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS47957 ING-AS - Worldline IGSA SA, FR France 4,352 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS50620 BLUENET-TECH-AS - Blue Networks Technologies SARL, FR France 3,072 65,536 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS112 AS112-PROJECT - DNS-OARC, US United States 512 131,072 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS50624 OUTSCALE - Outscale SASU, FR France 56,320 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS34606 ASN-BBBELL - B.B.Bell SPA, IT Italy 69,888 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34727 IPEFIX - IPEFIX SARL, FR France 1,792 0 IPv4 IPv4
AS62044 ZSCALER-EMEA - Zscaler Switzerland GmbH, CH Switzerland 76,544 469,762,048 IPv4 IPv4
AS57752 NORMHOST-ASN - VOIP Telecom SAS, FR France 14,080 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS32934 FACEBOOK - Facebook, Inc., US United States 441,088 4,311,744,512 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS34002 Interxion-Fr-Transit-AS - Interxion France S.A., FR France 2,048 65,536 IPv4 IPv4
AS35661 VIRTUASYS-EU - VIRTUA SYSTEMS SAS, FR France 4,096 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS61098 exoscale - Akenes SA, CH Switzerland 28,928 38,655,557,632 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS62000 NETRIX-AS - SERVERD SAS, FR France 6,656 85,899,345,920 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS210890 AS-IT2GO - Kristiaan De Rocker, BE Belgium 256 3,145,728 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS8612 TISCALI-IT - Tiscali Italia S.P.A., IT Italy 605,184 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS31529 DENIC-ANYCAST-AS - DENIC eG, DE Germany 1,536 1,769,472 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS44092 HALSERVICE - HAL Service SpA, IT Italy 28,672 141,750,697,984 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS2594 ASN-CSI - CSI Piemonte, IT Italy 82,944 4,294,967,296 IPv4 IPv4
AS3303 SWISSCOM - Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, CH Switzerland 3,587,840 200,052,375,552 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6775 FINK-TELECOM-SERVICES - Andreas Fink trading as Fink Telecom Services GmbH, CH Switzerland 11,776 42,949,672,960 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS6758 AS6758 - Monaco Telecom S.A., MC Monaco 58,880 1,342,177,280 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS35612 NGI-AS - EOLO S.p.A., IT Italy 361,472 34,359,738,368 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS14537 CL-1379-14537 - Continent 8 LLC, US United States 62,976 12,884,901,888 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS16552 TIGGEE - Tiggee LLC, US United States 12,544 34,362,032,128 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6
AS42909 COMMUNITYDNS - Community DNS Limited, GB United Kingdom 1,280 196,608 IPv4 IPv4 IPv6 IPv6

Peers at this Exchange Point

Country / Region IX IPv4 IPv6 Port Speed Updated
France France-IX Marseille - FranceIX Marseille 2001:7f8:54:5::24 10 Gbps 2024-11-12 22:18:14
France Lillix - Northern France and Eurometropole GIX 2001:7f8:6d::2027:1 10 Gbps 2024-11-12 22:18:14
France FNC-IX - France Network Community Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:52::7eb:1 10 Gbps 2024-11-12 22:18:14
France France-IX Toulouse 2001:7f8:54:7::11 10 Gbps 2024-11-12 22:18:13
France France-IX AURA - FranceIX Lyon and Grenoble 2001:7f8:47:47::84 10 Gbps 2024-11-12 22:18:13
Switzerland CIXP - CERN Internet eXchange Point 2001:7f8:1c:24a:7eb::1 10 Gbps 2024-11-12 22:18:13
Italy TOP-IX - Consorzio Top-IX 2001:7f8:23:ffff::227 10 Gbps 2024-11-12 22:18:14
France France-IX Paris - FranceIX Paris 2001:7f8:54::235 10 Gbps 2024-11-12 22:18:13
Luxembourg LU-CIX - Luxembourg Internet Exchange 2001:7f8:4c::7eb:1 10 Gbps 2024-11-12 22:18:13
France France-IX Paris - FranceIX Paris 2001:7f8:54::27 10 Gbps 2024-11-12 22:18:14

Private Peering Facilities

Country / Region Name City Website Updated
APPLIWAVE - CBO Croissy Beaubourg 2022-03-04 17:46:54
ETIX Lille #2 Sainghin-en-Mélantois 2022-03-04 17:47:00
Cogent Toulouse Toulouse 2022-03-04 17:47:12
dc2scale PAR2 (Vélizy-Villacoublay) Vélizy-Villacoublay 2022-03-04 17:47:19
Scaleway Datacenter - DC2 Vitry sur Seine 2022-03-04 17:47:38
SFR Netcenter Lyon-Venissieux Vénissieux 2022-03-04 17:47:48
Telehouse - Paris 2 (Voltaire - Léon Frot) Paris 2022-03-04 17:48:03
CERN Geneva Meyrin 2023-01-18 10:23:04
Datacenter NEXEREN Civrieux 2023-02-17 09:19:08
IP Address Domain NUMs Domains 3 1 1 24 2 1 2 3 2 1
as-block:       AS2026 - AS2029
descr:          RIPE NCC ASN block
remarks:        These AS Numbers are assigned to network operators in the RIPE NCC service region.
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
created:        2018-11-22T15:27:15Z
last-modified:  2018-11-22T15:27:15Z
source:         RIPE

aut-num:        AS2027
as-name:        MilkyWan
descr:          MilkyWan
remarks:        -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
remarks:        -          __  ____ ____        _       __              -
remarks:        -         /  |/  (_) / /____  _| |     / /___ _____     -
remarks:        -        / /|_/ / / / //_/ / / / | /| / / __ `/ __ \    -
remarks:        -       / /  / / / / ,< / /_/ /| |/ |/ / /_/ / / / /    -
remarks:        -      /_/  /_/_/_/_/|_|\__, / |__/|__/\__,_/_/ /_/     -
remarks:        -                      /____/                           -
remarks:        -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Points of Presence
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        == France ==
remarks:        Paris:
remarks:        - Telehouse 2 (22C08) & KDDI Leon Frot (2S-G16-B)
remarks:        - OpCore DC2 & DC3 (fka Scaleway, fka Online)
remarks:        - Appliwave CBO (Croissy-Beaubourg)
remarks:        - DC2Scale (Velizy-Villacoublay)
remarks:        Lyon:
remarks:        - SFR (Venissieux)
remarks:        - Nexeren (Civrieux)
remarks:        Lille:
remarks:        - Etix Lille #2 (Sainghin-en-Melantois)
remarks:        Toulouse:
remarks:        - Cogent DC
remarks:        == Switzerland ==
remarks:        Geneva:
remarks:        - CIXP (CERN Bat. 513)
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Public Peering Locations
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        We have an open peering policy
remarks:        and will be happy to peer at the following locations:
remarks:        France-IX Paris [10G] :
remarks:        - IPv4: &
remarks:        - IPv6: 2001:7f8:54::27/64 & 2001:7f8:54::235/64
remarks:        FranceIX Marseille [10G] :
remarks:        - IPv4:
remarks:        - IPv6: 2001:7f8:54:5::24/64
remarks:        FranceIX Lyon [10G] :
remarks:        - IPv4:
remarks:        - IPv6: 2001:7f8:47:47::84/64
remarks:        LillIX [10G] :
remarks:        - IPv4:
remarks:        - IPv6: 2001:7f8:6d::5:7199:1/64
remarks:        France-IX Toulouse [10G] :
remarks:        - IPv4:
remarks:        - IPv6: 2001:7f8:54:7::11/64
remarks:        CIXP [10G] :
remarks:        - IPv4:
remarks:        - IPv6: 2001:7F8:1C:24A:07EB::1/64
remarks:        FNC-IX [10G] :
remarks:        - IPv4:
remarks:        - IPv6: 2001:7f8:52::7eb:1/64
remarks:        TOP-IX [10G] :
remarks:        - IPv4:
remarks:        - IPv6: 2001:7f8:23:ffff::227/64
remarks:        LU-CIX [10G] :
remarks:        - IPv4:
remarks:        - IPv6: 2001:7f8:4c::7eb:1/64
remarks:        Max Prefix (IPv4 and IPv6) : 200
remarks:        Peering mail :
remarks:        Network and peering informations :
remarks:        Looking Glass :
remarks:        PeeringDB :
remarks: :
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        -- BGP Upstreams --
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast
                from AS200780 action pref=300; med=500; #Appliwave
                from AS35625  action pref=300; med=500; #Eurofiber
                from AS35280  action pref=300; med=500; #F5
                from AS49434  action pref=300; med=500; #FiberWay
                from AS6696   action pref=300; med=500; #Verixi
                from AS47160  action pref=300; med=500; #moji
                from AS209097 action pref=300; med=500; #NetSyst
                from AS62000  action pref=300; med=500; #ServerD
                accept ANY
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast
                to AS200780
                to AS35625
                to AS35280
                to AS49434
                to AS6696
                to AS47160
                to AS209097
                to AS62000
                announce AS-MILKYWAN
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        -- BGP Downstreams --
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS37733  action pref=100; med=100; accept AS-STHD1
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS44887  action pref=100; med=100; accept AS44887:AS-ARAVISCONNECT
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS51144 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS-G3E
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS57797 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS-SYSLEVEL
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS61193  action pref=100; med=100; accept AS61193
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS62443  action pref=100; med=100; accept AS62443:AS-MEMBERS
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS197551 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS197551
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS203062 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS203062
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS204043 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS204043
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS206059 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS206059
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS206983 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS206983
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS207300 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS207300
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS207372 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS-PGX
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS207849 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS207849
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS207910 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS207910:AS-DAM64
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS208069 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS-ATAXYA
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS209097 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS-NETSYST
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS209295 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS-TSUKERU
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS210851 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS210851
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS212037 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS-PROVOSTINFO-AS-SET
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS212469 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS212469
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS212970 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS212970
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS212971 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS212971
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS212977 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS212977:AS-ALL
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS213253 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS-ENPLS
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS213372 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS-FILTIWANNETWORK
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS214086 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS214086
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS215097 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS215097
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS215528 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS215528
mp-import:      afi              ipv6.unicast from AS216428 action pref=100; med=100; accept AS216428
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast to AS-MILKYWAN announce ANY
remarks:        BGP Communities Dictionnary is available on request for Downstreams
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        -- Public Peerings --
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        -- France-IX Paris --
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS42     action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-PCH
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS714    action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-APPLE
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS2906   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-NFLX
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS3856   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-PCH
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS4455   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-BSO
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS5410   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-BOUYGTEL-ISP
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS8560   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS8560:RS-ALL
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS8966   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-EMIX
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS10310  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-YAHOO
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS12322  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-PROXAD
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS13335  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-CLOUDFLARE
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS15557  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-LDCOMNET
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS16276  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-OVH
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS16347  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS16347:AS-INHERENT
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS16509  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-AMAZON
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS19679  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-DROPBOX
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS20565  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-NETALIS
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS20940  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-AKAMAI
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS24229  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS24229 #AlibabaCDN
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS24940  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-HETZNER
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS29169  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-GANDI
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS30844  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-LIQUID
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS30972  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-M6WEB
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS31167  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-AXIONE-CUSTOMERS
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS32590  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-VALVE
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS32934  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-FACEBOOK
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS33891  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-CORE-BACKBONE
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS34863  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-HEXANET
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS37100  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-SET-SEACOM
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS39180  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-LASOTEL
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS39351  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-ESAB
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS39444  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-OWENTIS
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS39781  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-DABCNET
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS41114  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-ORNETHD
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS41405  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-ALTINEA
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS41652  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-SHPV
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS45102  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS45102 #AlibabaCloud
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS46489  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-TWITCH
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS49544  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-INTERACTIVE3D
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS50124  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS50124:AS-EASIOCOM
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS51185  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS51185:AS-CUSTOMERS
remarks:        -- France-IX Marseille
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS42     action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-PCH
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS714    action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-APPLE
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS3856   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-PCH
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS8966   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-EMIX
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS13335  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-CLOUDFLARE
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS15557  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-LDCOMNET
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS30844  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-LIQUID
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS32934  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-FACEBOOK
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS37100  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-SET-SEACOM
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS199524 action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-GCORE-ORG
remarks:        -- LyonIX --
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS42     action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-PCH
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS3856   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-PCH
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS5410   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-BOUYGTEL-ISP
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS15169  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-GOOGLE
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS15557  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-LDCOMNET
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS39180  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-LASOTEL
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS41405  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-ALTINEA
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS41327  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS41327:AS-CUSTOMERS
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS207992 action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-FEELB
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS213317 action pref=200; med=100; accept AS213317 #SIEA
remarks:        -- LillIX --
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS16276  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-OVH
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS35625  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-ATE
remarks:        -- FNC-IX --
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS24940  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-HETZNER
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS209428 action pref=200; med=100; accept AS209428:AS-DSCW
remarks:        -- France-IX Toulouse --
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS39405  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-FULLSAVE
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS41652  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-SHPV
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS197422 action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-TETANEUTRAL-NET
remarks:        -- CIXP --
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS559    action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-SWITCH
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS2603   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-NORDUNET
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS3303   action pref=200; med=100; accept AS3303:AS-SWCMGLOBAL
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS13030  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS13030:AS-INIT7
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS13335  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-CLOUDFLARE
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS25091  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS-IP-MAX
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS29222  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS29222:AS-INFOMANIAK
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast from AS60129  action pref=200; med=100; accept AS60129 #CSTI
mp-export:      afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast to AS2027:AS-PEERS announce AS-MILKYWAN
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        -- IXP Route-Servers --
remarks:        --------------------------------------------------------
import-via:     afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast
                AS43100  from AS43100:AS-MEMBERS EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN action pref=200; med=200;
                AS51706  from AS51706:AS-MEMBERS:AS-PAR-RS EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN action pref=200; med=200;
                AS42064  from AS42064:AS-MEMBERS:AS-MRS-RS EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN action pref=200; med=200;
                AS47214  from AS-ANY EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN action pref=200; med=200; #LillIX
                AS57859  from AS-CIXP-RS-AS57859 EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN action pref=200; med=200;
                AS57399  from AS57399:AS-FNC-IX EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN action pref=200; med=200;
                accept ANY
export-via:     afi ipv4.unicast,ipv6.unicast
                AS43100  to AS43100:AS-MEMBERS EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN
                AS51706  to AS51706:AS-MEMBERS:AS-PAR-RS EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN
                AS42064  to AS42064:AS-MEMBERS:AS-MRS-RS EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN
                AS57859  to AS-CIXP-RS-AS57859 EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN
                AS57399  to AS57399:AS-FNC-IX EXCEPT AS-MILKYWAN
                announce AS-MILKYWAN
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        RIPE Stuff
remarks:        ---------------------------------------------------------
org:            ORG-MA1574-RIPE
admin-c:        HDLM-RIPE
tech-c:         HDLM-RIPE
status:         ASSIGNED
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
mnt-by:         MILKYWAN-MNT
created:        2011-01-12T09:09:51Z
last-modified:  2025-01-10T18:23:06Z
source:         RIPE

organisation:   ORG-MA1574-RIPE
org-name:       MilkyWan Association
country:        FR
org-type:       LIR
address:        4B Square Edouard Mouriquand
address:        69009
address:        Lyon
address:        FRANCE
phone:          +33782708799
admin-c:        HDLM-RIPE
tech-c:         HDLM-RIPE
abuse-c:        AC35343-RIPE
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-by:         MILKYWAN-MNT
mnt-ref:        MILKYWAN-MNT
mnt-ref:        APPLIWAVE-MNT
mnt-ref:        Gitoyen-NCC
created:        2019-05-03T10:05:27Z
last-modified:  2022-07-11T12:52:27Z
source:         RIPE

person:         Hugues Voiturier
address:        4 Bis Square Edouard Mouriquand, 69009 Lyon
phone:          +33123456789
nic-hdl:        HDLM-RIPE
mnt-by:         HDLM-MNT
created:        2018-05-10T21:33:00Z
last-modified:  2020-08-01T08:31:34Z
source:         RIPE